I am wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

2020 was…

Personally, I had a chance to grow exponentially and advance efficiencies by leaps and bounds and in new innovative ways.

It was also a time to develop deeper bonds with those closest to me and I am so grateful for that; especially all the loving support from my Sister, Sue Davey, who has helped me in too many ways to list. Family bonds were deepened and more love and support obvious.

It was an opportunity for me to serve and help. To donate, check-in on neighbours, friends, and those who were isolated along with the less fortunate.

We were forced to reflect on what was really important to us and I think this is good for all of us to do as it seems to remove all peripheral nonsense.

I had the enjoyment of exploring many new trails (literally & figuratively, personally and professionally) which helped to keep me focused, fit and sane. That lead me to invest in backcountry ski gear and I am loving this new activity alongside, and socially distant from, a few great women friends.

This is what I will take with me, along with being in shape and exceeding my business goals, and I will leave the rest!

Best wishes for a healthy and safe NEW YEAR! Cheers!

With deep gratitude,
